Thursday, August 4, 2011

Back In The Swing

As August makes a subtle entrance into our lives, the realization that 2011 is almost 2/3 over starts to consume me.

Looking back on the last 8 months, I ask myself several things...

Have I made the most of this year?
Have I achieved the goals and plans that were so ambitious in January?
What can I change to improve my life and habits?
What inspires and motivates me today, compared to 8 months ago?

I hope you will take some time to think about the questions above and start to consider those questions as well as answers to them.

This is the time of year when things are somewhat complacent for me. I'm in my routines. I have my habits, both good and bad. And I am sort of on auto-pilot from the summer festivities. However, I am going to try to invigorate my life with some inspiration. I am going to re-evaluate some of my plans, my goals and my hopes. I am going to do a small re-start for what I want to accomplish professionally, personally, and even physically. My hope for you is that you do the same in these mundane, dog-days of summer.

As St. Clement said, "If you do not hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes."

So, let's get after it.

Week of 08.01.2011: Exercises for All Inclusive Health this week:
Mind: In preparation for new undertakings, I encourage you find a challenge or idea that inspires you to think outside of your comfort zone. Attend a public speaker at a nearby organization or library. Read a book that doesn't align with your beliefs, opinions or background. Whatever you do, seek out something that encourages you to see an idea or thought in a new light.

Body: If we're going to be gearing up for new challenges and opportunities, we better be physically ready to get after it. To better accomplish that, let's take the right steps towards a healthier vessel to use. This week, I challenge you to check out a new style of exercise. Whether it is a Zumba class at nearby gym (most will let you audit a class and do one for free), trying a new sport (i.e. field hockey, crossfit, anything you want) or trying a fitness dvd (P90X, yoga, pilates, whatever you like). Bonus on the fitness dvd, some local libraries will offer free ones for rent. Give it a shot!

Soul: The easiest way to embark on a new journey is to do so with little to no luggage. In this case, I am referring to baggage. My challenge for you this week is to shed some emotional baggage. Forgive someone that has been on the outs with you for some time... let go of that spark of anger or resentment towards that one person in your life... or go the opposite direction... instead of letting go of something, share some of yourself. Call a friend that you haven't talked to in a while and say hello. A small gesture of kindness will have a lasting impact on you, and very likely them as well. Even better than that? Acts of kindness are contagious.

Good luck this week and please feel free to post comments to share how your week has gone!

Take care.